Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Testing My Limits (2010 Run 6)

Date: 1/26/10
Time of Day: 9:45 PM
Location: Marriott Route
Conditions: 30 degrees F
Music: Born Standing Up by Steve Martin, Blind Side by Michael Lewis
Clothing: Long sleeve wicking shirt, tights, shorts
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
A couple of days ago, I signed up for the Nashville Predators Fangtastic 5k, which occurs on February 6th. I also didn't think about how the 6th is less than a week-and-a-half away and I haven't been able to run longer than 3 minutes since the beginning of the year. I also didn't think about how the Predators tend to add "Fang" to words to make them hockey related. It's sort of like Bring It On where normal prefixes are replaced with "cheer-", as in "cheertastic", "cheertastrophe", "cheermare", etc. But as per usual...I digress.
I had a couple of things on my mind last night: I needed to run to get back into my routine, I needed to finish my audiobook (Born Standing Up by Steve Martin) and I wanted to test my limits AND see how fast I could finish 3.1 miles. Okay, so technically that's four things.
I've only run the Marriott Route last night, but my plan was to go out-and-back twice, which would take me a little over 4 miles. My plan was essentially just to run when I felt I could run and walk when I felt I could walk. For the time being, I've abandoned any strict adherence to the C25K and will just focus on running. It seems that if I run more days in a week, I'll be able to maintain my fitness better. Obviously, I'll push harder on some days than others.
The run began with a nice 7 minute run before I decided to walk. The bottoms of my feet were hurting a bit, 7 minutes being the longest run I've had this year. I walked for about the next 5-6 minutes (I didn't really track my walking time) and kicked into gear again at the stoplight, with my plan of running to the end of the route, turning around and running back to the stoplight.
Instead, I ran from the stoplight, to the end of the route...and then ran all the way back to my starting point. I ran for 17 minutes and - for the first time ever - completed an entire length of the course running. According to Nike+, I had covered 2.34 miles at that point, which means I had just run for over 1.2 miles (because I started running before the course turned). I then turned around to start my second out-and-back, walking back to the point that I had stopped running the last time. I figured it wouldn't be too much stress to cover the only part of the route that I had walked earlier, meaning that I would have run every inch of the route. And I did just took me about 3-4 minutes to cover the portion of the route I missed (admittedly, I forgot to look at my watch at this point, focusing more on completing the part I had missed earlier).
I stopped a little past the point where I had started earlier (because I wasn't sure if I had run through the crosswalk before...I wanted to be sure to cover it). I hit my turnaround point, walked back to the stoplight and started running again. And ran for the next 10 minutes until I reached the last bit of sidewalk near my starting point. I had run for a grand total of almost 40 minutes.
When I hit my finishing point, I stopped the Nike+. According to that, I had covered 4.65 miles in 1 hour and 8 minutes. Which means my pace was slightly over 14.5 minutes - and I walked my two walks fairly slowly. After the first out-and-back, it had my pace at slightly over 13 minutes...which means my pace is significantly improving.
I'm not entirely sure how stopping running has improved my pace...but it has. And it felt awesome. The test run, I think, is going to become a weekly thing until I can complete at least one out-and-back without stopping (it's the all-uphill beginning that gets me, I think). And then I'll work on completing a second circuit and so forth.
6 down - 204 to go!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pain Free! (2010 Run 5)

Date: 1/23/10
Time of Day: 10:30 AM
Location: Granny White Park
Conditions: 53 degrees F, cloudy 
Music: Miscellaneous
Clothing: Short wicking shirt, compression shorts, shorts
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
So far this year, my New Years' Resolution of running 210 days seems to have been overreaching for me. It is a little disconcerting to have injured myself on the first run of the year. If you've been keeping up with me, you'll know that I've missed runs and ultimately took 12 days off due to the fact that I pretty much couldn't walk anywhere due to my limp. And then it still hurt.
So again...I took another week off. Which meant that before Saturday, I had run a grand whopping total of one (1) day in the last 19. Yup. This resolution is going fantastic. At this pace, I'll have 60 days of running in before the end of the year.
I should explain before I get further that I'm planning on adding more running days to my repertoire as I get more in running shape. The worst part about my extended absence and so forth is that I have completely lost where I was. A little over a month ago, I was able to pull off a 20 minute run. Now 3 minutes is difficult.
Mandi and I gathered at our usual Saturday stomping grounds - Granny White Park. (Sidenote: Yes, that is the real name. Granny White ran an inn in the 1800's that was famous for the "white lightning" served within. So in the fashion typical of a state that named a college after a Jack Daniel's master distiller...they named the park and the street it's on after a 19th century barmaid. Classy!)
Since I've fallen so far behind in my training, as I mentioned last week, I've decided just to pick up where Mandi this run was Week 3 Day 2, which of course shouldn't discourage any of you...I mean, I know it's hard to believe we're already on Week 3...especially when you consider that I started the play FOUR MONTHS AGO. But I digress...
Saturday was warmish - at least in the morning. By "warmish", I wasn't snowing. I am somewhat insane. I went out on January 23rd in shorts and an Under Armour t-shirt. Because I'm a real man.
Anyway, we set out on the trail (while avoiding children riding their bicycles on the walk/jog only path followed by their yuppy mother on her cell phone) and began the second run through week 3. The first minute and a half run wasn't difficult. It rarely is. I don't actually think it was difficult even during my first go round.
The three minute runs, though, were painful. Thankfully, for the first time all year, the pain was not in my AT. It was side stitches. I guess I've been out of it so long, I've lost my breathing training. But my leg was pain free...that was the big accomplishment.
I am still slooooow. Mandi had to keep turning around to catch up with me (and I think at one point walked at my running pace), but I finished it again. And, again, finished without pain. That's the best part. The very best part. keep it rolling. I can't fall out of training again. I've already learned what happens.
5 down. 205 to go!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weight Watchers

Holy bajeezus!
It occurs to me that I've been doing Weight Watchers for 6 weeks and I have yet to blog about it.
So...I've been doing Weight Watchers for 6 weeks.
My starting weight was 315.6 pounds. As of Saturday's weigh-in, I am at 299.6. That puts me halfway to my little 10 percent keychain. And out of the 300s!
Weight Watchers in and of itself is actually quite easy. At the start of the plan, I was able to eat 43 points...after losing a few pounds, now I'm "only" able to eat 41 points a day. Trust me. 41 is a LOT of points.
The problem I run into each morning is breakfast. I can never seem to get breakfast, but I've discovered all sorts of low point meals.
I'll go into more detail in the future...but right now, 16 pounds!

Fighting Through Injuries (2010 Run 4)

Date: 1/16/10
Time of Day: 10:30 AM
Location: Granny White Park
Conditions: 42-47 degrees F, cloudy 
Music: Running Music 1
Clothing: Long sleeve wicking shirt, compression shorts, shorts
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
Twelve days.
I didn't run for 12 whole days. Admittedly, this is because I've barely been able to walk due to the pain in my Achilles Tendon, much less run. I am so off my plan that it's not even funny.
I met Mandi at Granny White Park for our Saturday run. W3D1 was her planned run...and considering I was so far off of my training...I figured I'd just follow along.
For January, it was a nice day. Heck, considering the negative wind chill days we'd been having, it was outright gorgeous. I was running in shorts, after all.
The first 90 second run ended before I knew it had started, but the first 3 minute run surprised the heck out of me. I remember struggling through it the first go round...and today was no different. Plus, I was hitting the ground a little more gingerly due to the Achilles.
The third run was another 90 seconder which, again, went by fairly quickly. But the final run - the second three minutes - admittedly had me in tears. For one thing, I was able run for almost 30 minutes a mere month ago. Now, I'm struggling to knock out three minute runs. For another, my Achilles was absolutely killing me. It hurt so freaking bad. And I don't even land ON my heel.
But I finished. tears, but I finished.
And it hasn't hurt since.
4 down...206 to go.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome to Marriott (2010 Run 3)

Date: 1/4/10
Time of Day: 7:00 PM
Location: Marriott Route
Conditions: 23 degrees F, windy, 15 degree wind chill
Music: Random Britney
Clothing: Long sleeve wicking shirt, jacket, cold weather running pants, gloves, knit cap
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
(I'm trying more creative names for this year)
Mandi came for our second running meet-up of 2010. This time we took to one of my personal recent favorite - the Marriott Route, my uphill out/downhill back route.
I felt like a magician revealing my magic tricks as we headed out the door.
For starters, being January, it is going to be cold everyday...but considering how cold it was on Saturday, this was practically warm in comparison. Also, I bought new running pants on the way home at Academy Sports. Essentially, they are lined tights and they look oh so attractive. I threw some shorts over them so I didn't look like Tron Guy.
Mandi is on Week 2...and considering I seem to have lost a lot of my built-up endurance and my Achilles has been bugging me, I decided to do it right along side of her.
Unfortunately for me, I was having trouble with my iPod, so she actually started out a minute in front of I essentially sprinted my first interval to catch back up to her (as I've mentioned before...she's a lot faster than me). This turned out to be my mistake of the evening. I obviously bumped my heartrate up into the anaerobic stratosphere because it had not really come back down by the second interval...and so I had to push along through that one.
My Achilles continued to bug me through about the 4th interval when the soreness finally went away (downhill also probably helped).
Meanwhile, my iPod kept throwing "Toxic" remixes at me...I just kept hearing, "Can you feel me now?" over and over and over and over.
I didn't have trouble finishing it...considering I had done 90 second runs with 2 minute walks before...and far longer intervals...but for some reason, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be.
Regardless, I knocked out another day of running and had fun running with my friend.
3 down. 207 to go!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I may be crazy.. (2010 Run 2)

Date: 1/2/10
Time of Day: 9:00 AM
Location: Granny White Park
Conditions: 17 degrees F, windy, light snow, 4 DEGREE WIND CHILL
Music: Random
Clothing: Long sleeve wicking shirt, jacket, tights, lined pants, gloves, knit cap
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
So...this running thing is making me a little bit insane, I think.
My friend Mandi is my real life accountability partner when it comes to my running. She's the only one that doesn't think I'm insane when I tell her the things I do and she's always supportive. So, for the new year, we've decided that every Saturday is Patten-Mandi Run Hour. She's afraid she's fallen off the horse...and I want someone to actually see me doing this so they know I'm not just supercreative and making the whole thing up. Also, because I wanted to prove to the Internet that I do in fact have a social life...but I digress.
We met at Granny White Park in Brentwood, Tennessee. The snow was falling and the temperature was...well, according to my thermometer, there wasn't one. I took a sip of water and left it on the trunk of my car. Within about a minute, the water had a layer of ice on top. It was cold. And there were snowflakes falling.
Granny White Park consists of a .8 mile loop. Admittedly, I didn't know how much running would actually be occurring due to my 5k the previous day and some residual Achilles Tendon soreness. Thus, I started out slowly. There was ice all along the sides of the trail, so I had to be careful not to step in any.
I didn't run to any specific C25K run this time either, since I knew I couldn't hit W6D3, especially not with the sore Achilles. Instead, I decided I would just run to every other song on my iPod and pray that Free Bird didn't come up. Admittedly, I didn't get all that far with it, probably running a total of 1 loop with my runs combined. I haven't done the math with the time, but I do know that the songs I ran to were "Womanizer", "Apache" and one of the songs off of the Rocky score. Probably about 8-10 minutes of total running time.
The soreness went away a bit during the first run and was completely gone by "Apache". However, I noticed that my entire body just felt heavy when I tried to move my legs. It was definitely a little more difficult due to fatigue. Also, my sweat appeared to be freezing.
When I rounded a corner on my last lap, I saw Mandi stretching and waiting at her car (yeah, she completely kicked my butt), so I figured...last run, let's end it like yesterday. I picked up my feet and went into a dead on sprint...and the finish never seemed to come...according to, my sprint was .2 miles. My legs, though, didn't feel it afterwards, which was fantastic.
Also, despite the 4 degree wind chill...I was hot. True story.
I'm starting to think this is how I'm going to end all of my runs.
2 down, 208 to go.

Resolution Run (2010 Run 1)

Date: 1/1/10
Time of Day: 10:00 AM
Location: Downtown Nashville
Conditions: 25 degrees F, windy (16 degree wind chill)
Music: Born Standing Up by Steve Martin
Clothing: Long sleeve wicking shirt, jacket, tights, lined pants, gloves, knit cap
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
The holidays absolutely killed my running schedule.
I would have my run time planned out in advance...and without fail, I would be called to do yard work or meet at someone's house instead. Or would somehow not be able to use the shower.
I went 9 consecutive days without running...and it felt awful. In fact, it started to feel like I wasn't going to be able to get back out. Once I got completely off my routine, I wasn't able to get back on it.
Then New Year's came. Everyone tries to start anew on the New Year, I'm no different.
For 2010, I've made the following fitness resolutions:
- Run 210 Days
- Weigh 210 Pounds
- Run a Half-Marathon (I'm assuming that I'm going to finish a 5k, so I'm not even considering that a resolution...)
I had already registered for the Resolution Run in Downtown Nashville, assuming it would be the first 5k I would complete with running. However, considering I hadn't run in a week and a half, I honestly had no idea how I would do. I went in with no plan and no goals. Just finish.
I parked behind the Sommet Center (or Nashville Arena, depending on how the current naming rights lawsuit is going) where my beloved Nashville Predators play and then got in a very, very long line to pay at the electronic kiosk. After waiting about 20 minutes and the line barely moving, one of the race officials came over to say that we did not have to pay to park. That was a relief, as it was getting close to start time and I still hadn't picked up my packet.
The weather outside was frightful. Okay, maybe not, but it was definitely colder than anything I had run in before. After I ran my t-shirt back to the car, I attached my number and my chip and moved to the starting line in front of the Schermerhorn Center. The race ran down to First Avenue by the river. I decided to try W6D3, not sure if I'd be able to complete it. My run kicked in right as we passed under the pedestrian bridge and I was able to keep running the Church Street, which, according to, is 0.31 miles, pretty much all uphill. Not really my best effort to date, but at least I was running. Day 1/210 officially complete there, but miles to go before I sleep.
So we get to the top of the hill by the Davidson County Courthouse and turn onto the Woodland Street bridge and head over the river. The bridge is pretty much downhill, but I was still pretty much worn down from the run that I didn't start again until about the one mile point. When the route turned onto Interstate Drive, I started running again and held on until the water station in front of LP field, which according to MapMyRun is a .67 mile run. From there, I walked around the stadium and to the middle of the pedestrian bridge. At this point, I felt like I had done a whole lot of nothing.
I could see the finish line.
From the top of the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge, I took off running, building up speed down the slope that eventually lets out onto 3rd Avenue. Still picking up steam and blowing by pretty much everyone walking to the line, I followed the route back to the finish and passed a few people in the last few feet. I had pretty much sprinted from the top of the bridge back to the start. Supposedly, that's .4 miles that I ran as hard as I can. So...while my endurance is definitely off, I felt like I had accomplished something at the end.
After catching my breath, and grabbing water...I moseyed my way into a line where they were serving black eyed peas (it's a Southern thing apparently...never seemed weird to me...brings you good luck in the coming year) and went back to my car and headed home.
2010...1 down. 209 to go.