Date: 1/23/10
Time of Day: 10:30 AM
Location: Granny White Park
Time of Day: 10:30 AM
Location: Granny White Park
Conditions: 53 degrees F, cloudy
Music: Miscellaneous
Music: Miscellaneous
Clothing: Short wicking shirt, compression shorts, shorts
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
So far this year, my New Years' Resolution of running 210 days seems to have been overreaching for me. It is a little disconcerting to have injured myself on the first run of the year. If you've been keeping up with me, you'll know that I've missed runs and ultimately took 12 days off due to the fact that I pretty much couldn't walk anywhere due to my limp. And then it still hurt.
So again...I took another week off. Which meant that before Saturday, I had run a grand whopping total of one (1) day in the last 19. Yup. This resolution is going fantastic. At this pace, I'll have 60 days of running in before the end of the year.
I should explain before I get further that I'm planning on adding more running days to my repertoire as I get more in running shape. The worst part about my extended absence and so forth is that I have completely lost where I was. A little over a month ago, I was able to pull off a 20 minute run. Now 3 minutes is difficult.
Mandi and I gathered at our usual Saturday stomping grounds - Granny White Park. (Sidenote: Yes, that is the real name. Granny White ran an inn in the 1800's that was famous for the "white lightning" served within. So in the fashion typical of a state that named a college after a Jack Daniel's master distiller...they named the park and the street it's on after a 19th century barmaid. Classy!)
Since I've fallen so far behind in my training, as I mentioned last week, I've decided just to pick up where Mandi this run was Week 3 Day 2, which of course shouldn't discourage any of you...I mean, I know it's hard to believe we're already on Week 3...especially when you consider that I started the play FOUR MONTHS AGO. But I digress...
Saturday was warmish - at least in the morning. By "warmish", I wasn't snowing. I am somewhat insane. I went out on January 23rd in shorts and an Under Armour t-shirt. Because I'm a real man.
Anyway, we set out on the trail (while avoiding children riding their bicycles on the walk/jog only path followed by their yuppy mother on her cell phone) and began the second run through week 3. The first minute and a half run wasn't difficult. It rarely is. I don't actually think it was difficult even during my first go round.
The three minute runs, though, were painful. Thankfully, for the first time all year, the pain was not in my AT. It was side stitches. I guess I've been out of it so long, I've lost my breathing training. But my leg was pain free...that was the big accomplishment.
I am still slooooow. Mandi had to keep turning around to catch up with me (and I think at one point walked at my running pace), but I finished it again. And, again, finished without pain. That's the best part. The very best part. keep it rolling. I can't fall out of training again. I've already learned what happens.
5 down. 205 to go!
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