Wednesday, October 7, 2009


My name is Patten, I'm 28 years old, I weigh 309.2 pounds (as of this morning)...and I want to be a runner.

Since I graduated college in 2003, I've put on approximately 100 pounds through a diet of chicken fingers, Doritos and sheer couch-potatoishness. I've gone from large shirts to extra large shirts to XXL shirts to the point that I even own some 3XL shirts.

I went to a go-kart track this summer and I had to get a seatbelt extension. That moment may have been one of my lowest points. When I flew to Japan a few weeks ago, I couldn't put my tray table down because my gut wouldn't let it go down. I've gotten so fat that it's started to affect the things which I am able to do.

I can't go indoor skydiving because I weigh too much.

I can't ride a horse because I weigh too much.

I can't play hockey because I weigh too much.

Simply put, I'm as fat as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.

So why running?

I've never been a very athletic person. Most sports that I try, I end up sucking at them because I have more of a penchant to be a fan than an actual athlete. When I ran cross country in middle school, my goal in every meet was merely to beat at least one person (which I did).

This time, however, I go in with a different mindset. I'm not competing against other people, I'm competing against myself, which is why I picked running.

Running is cheap. I know how to run...and running is something where it's fairly easy to mark your progress. I can do it anywhere, I don't need special equipment...and I've had moments before when I've tried to become a runner where I actually have experienced that elusive runner's high. I want that feeling of euphoria again.

As with anyone who begins a running program, I have a lofty goal of someday running a marathon, but I'm going to start with a much smaller goal for now: I want to run a 5k.

I have actually entered into a 5k this coming weekend. Don't worry, I have no pretensions about my skill or how this will go. I will be utilizing the Couch to 5k plan to get to my end goal and merely be including this weekend's race as a baseline to see where I stand.

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE how painfully honest you are! Thanks so much for sharing exactly what this means to you! I am so proud just READING this post! Knowing you haven't gave up!
