Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Waking Up Is Hard To Do...

So last night, in my big moment, I set my alarm to go off at 5 o'clock this morning.

When 5 o'clock rolled around this morning, I rolled over, said, "I'll do it tonight," turned it off and slept for another hour and a half.

I have great intentions the entire day before...I'm perfectly logical, I plan out my route, plan out my attire...but before I'm even conscious enough to form a complete coherent thought, I completely overrule my workout plan for the day...and now I have to work out at night.

It's frustrating...I want to be disciplined and I want to keep 5:00 a.m. Patten from messing up my plan.

I guess I just have to keep fighting him. The worst part is that I know that as soon as I sit up in bed, getting up will be a lot easier...so why can't I do it?


  1. Two things I've done, especially during these months with shorter days are:

    1) I moved the alarm clock off of the night stand. Now it's down near the floor along the side of my bed and that helps.

    2) I got a timer for my night stand lamp. I set the lamp to go on about 15 minutes before the alarm. That way, when I wake up the that blasted "Erh! Erh! Erh!", at least there's some light to help me feel more alert. It is much harder, for me at least, to force myself up when it is pitch black out.

    All that said, Mrs. F and I decided to postpone our morning run today for a couple of reasons--one being the weather (heavy rain and cold), and the other being that our baby was up many times last night (meaning no good rest).

    Just remember, it is is okay to modify your routine--you have to allow yourself that--but it is also important to establish that routine before you start making changes. It's a tough one. Had we tried what we're doing today (delaying the run) during our first couple of weeks, we probably would never have gotten back to doing it.

    You'll get through this. Just make sure you are getting to bed early engough (e.g., by 9 PM if you can fall asleep right away) so that you'll be rested when you get up.

  2. I think I would have to move the alarm clock also!
