Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Past My Bedtime

So on Monday night, I get the bright idea at about 9:45pm to go head over to my apartment's gym before I go to bed and get in a quick workout.

I took the long way from my apartment to get there and turned on the World Series and did 30 minutes on the elliptical once I was. I was the only one there.

Side note: I noticed that when I'm in the gym, my iPod absolutely has to be on music. For some reason, when I'm not actually going anywhere, I can't focus on the story, so I switched on Ben Harper's new album.

When I finished the elliptical, I thought, "Hmm...I'll do some weights." So, I walked over to the chest machine and did 3 sets of 12. Then I moved to the lat machine and did 3 more sets of 12. I moved the bar down to the bottom and did rows for 3 sets of 12 (getting an idea yet?). Then I moved to the ab machine. On this one, I did 3 sets of 35, switched it to back mode and did 2 sets of 12. Then, I went to the resistance machine and did bicep curls for - you guessed it - 3 sets of 12. Finally, I did some tricep presses on it for 3 more sets of 12.

I couldn't feel really any soreness and was afraid I didn't spend enough time there (I always forget that this comes the day after) I checked my was 12:05. I had been doing this for over 2 hours.

Needless to say, I'm going earlier tonight.

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