Monday, November 2, 2009

Week 2 Day 3

Date: 11/1/09
Time of Day: 10:00 PM
Location: Neighborhood
Conditions: 42-43 degrees F, chilly
Music: New Yorker Fiction Podcast
Clothing: Long sleeve Under Armour shirt, Compression Shorts, Under Armour Shorts
Shoes: Puma H Streets

This time, I didn't make the mistake of running in short sleeves when it was chilly. Knowing that my legs always heat up when I run, I stuck to shorts (if it's above freezing, I'm most likely going to be running in shorts).

Again, I wore my Pumas, although I did it this time due to the temperature...I have no blistering on the bottoms of my feet.

I took my usual route and listened to my usual podcast. I should note that instead of doing an out-and-back run, I run out...and then walk back. And my "usual route" actually differs each day, but I stick to the same general area a) so I don't get hit by cars and b) because it's well lit.

While running down one long street I usually run down, I hit the 4th running interval and had a bit of trouble, but just slowed my pace down and finished it. When I crossed to the other side of the street, I noticed that the street I usually run on has a slight incline, which means I've been doing a very small amount of hillwork without really knowing it. Good to know for the future.

Also, I had another horrifying sprinkler surprise...imagine running through cold water at 42 degrees...then imagine running soaked in cold water. Brrr.

When the last interval came, I had my eyes set on a lamp post that I was going to make it to, but the interval ran out before I got there. Nevertheless, I kept running, making sure I passed my goal...and that's the whole point of this, isn't it?

I can't believe I'm already done with Week 2.

Due to last week's weird scheduling...I only have one rest day between Week 2 and Week 3, but I don't think it's going to affect me. I begin the next stage tomorrow night.
I'm amping up my cross training this week...and I have a 5k on Saturday (the Hoover Run For Hope).

On to Week 3!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, found your blog through an post. I'm always so inspired by and impressed by people getting started from scratch to get running and get healthy. I just wanted to say that I'm pulling for you. Running's been such a fantastic addition to my life since I started doing it regularly about 5 or 6 years ago, and I want more people to experience the joy. I'm amazed by the fact that you just decided to make this big change at once, and I bet once a few weeks have passed and it feels more habitual, it'll be even easier to stick with the plan. Congratulations for your progress thus far!

    I don't know if you've ever read Runner's World magazine or not, but I subscribe to it, LOVE it, and would recommend it for anyone interested in running. It always has plenty of inspiring stories and advice.

    Keep on truckin'!
