Date: 1/1/10
Time of Day: 10:00 AM
Location: Downtown Nashville
Conditions: 25 degrees F, windy (16 degree wind chill)
Music: Born Standing Up by Steve Martin
Clothing: Long sleeve wicking shirt, jacket, tights, lined pants, gloves, knit cap
Shoes: Nike Air Pegasus 26+
The holidays absolutely killed my running schedule.
I would have my run time planned out in advance...and without fail, I would be called to do yard work or meet at someone's house instead. Or would somehow not be able to use the shower.
I went 9 consecutive days without running...and it felt awful. In fact, it started to feel like I wasn't going to be able to get back out. Once I got completely off my routine, I wasn't able to get back on it.
Then New Year's came. Everyone tries to start anew on the New Year, I'm no different.
For 2010, I've made the following fitness resolutions:
- Run 210 Days
- Weigh 210 Pounds
- Run a Half-Marathon (I'm assuming that I'm going to finish a 5k, so I'm not even considering that a resolution...)
I had already registered for the Resolution Run in Downtown Nashville, assuming it would be the first 5k I would complete with running. However, considering I hadn't run in a week and a half, I honestly had no idea how I would do. I went in with no plan and no goals. Just finish.
I parked behind the Sommet Center (or Nashville Arena, depending on how the current naming rights lawsuit is going) where my beloved Nashville Predators play and then got in a very, very long line to pay at the electronic kiosk. After waiting about 20 minutes and the line barely moving, one of the race officials came over to say that we did not have to pay to park. That was a relief, as it was getting close to start time and I still hadn't picked up my packet.
The weather outside was frightful. Okay, maybe not, but it was definitely colder than anything I had run in before. After I ran my t-shirt back to the car, I attached my number and my chip and moved to the starting line in front of the Schermerhorn Center. The race ran down to First Avenue by the river. I decided to try W6D3, not sure if I'd be able to complete it. My run kicked in right as we passed under the pedestrian bridge and I was able to keep running the Church Street, which, according to, is 0.31 miles, pretty much all uphill. Not really my best effort to date, but at least I was running. Day 1/210 officially complete there, but miles to go before I sleep.
So we get to the top of the hill by the Davidson County Courthouse and turn onto the Woodland Street bridge and head over the river. The bridge is pretty much downhill, but I was still pretty much worn down from the run that I didn't start again until about the one mile point. When the route turned onto Interstate Drive, I started running again and held on until the water station in front of LP field, which according to MapMyRun is a .67 mile run. From there, I walked around the stadium and to the middle of the pedestrian bridge. At this point, I felt like I had done a whole lot of nothing.
I could see the finish line.
From the top of the Shelby Street Pedestrian Bridge, I took off running, building up speed down the slope that eventually lets out onto 3rd Avenue. Still picking up steam and blowing by pretty much everyone walking to the line, I followed the route back to the finish and passed a few people in the last few feet. I had pretty much sprinted from the top of the bridge back to the start. Supposedly, that's .4 miles that I ran as hard as I can. So...while my endurance is definitely off, I felt like I had accomplished something at the end.
After catching my breath, and grabbing water...I moseyed my way into a line where they were serving black eyed peas (it's a Southern thing apparently...never seemed weird to me...brings you good luck in the coming year) and went back to my car and headed home.
2010...1 down. 209 to go.